SURVEYIS.COOL is an exceptional online survey tool which combines powerful characteristics: It is FREE, customizable and easy to manage! It helps students create their projects (or organize a party) and aids start-ups and small/medium business to achieve their business dreams. Moreover, this tool is even powerful enough for big companies.
Learn MoreCustomize and design a survey easily according to your preferences and wishes! Through choosing various types of questions, design and create your own survey – a new one – to fit your corporate needs.
Select anonymous or non-anonymous method to distribute the survey instantly to your friends and networks. You can also share your survey on the social media! It’s just easy and fast!
Our survey analysis will provide you with the information you need to make a correct and accurate decision. Do not rely on good luck and take actions based on the survey results!
Fresh new and powerful online survey system
Explore the market through an online survey, ask the business questions you want to know about your market.
Find out if your employees are satisfied or not. Evaluate their satisfaction with this online survey or search for the new employees!
SURVEYIS.COOL can support you on your school project to create amazing outcome and get a good grades. Show your teachers how you create surveys like an expert!
Surveys can also be fun and interesting! If you do not believe this - makes your own creative and crazy survey to entertain others and yourself with the outcome.
Measure the satisfaction of your products or services comprehensively and also get useful feedbacks from the customers.
Get effective survey outcome efficiently by sharing and spreading the survey to friends and social networks on the most popular social media.
„Dotazníkový systém nám vo firme pomáha stále lepšie chápať požiadavky našich zákazníkov. Oceňujem jeho rozsiahlu funkcionalitu, bezproblémovú distribúciu dotazníkov a tiež zber údajov.“
„Výborný systém, ktorý nám pomáha zisťovať spokojnosť starých klientov a zároveň nám pomáha získavať nových. Pretože aj my vieme, že spokojnosť našich klientov je prvoradá.“
„Jedná sa o profesionálny dotazníkový softvér s množstvom doplnkových služieb a supportom v Slovenskom jazyku. Oceňujeme hlavne jednoduchú orientáciu a zároveň rozsiahlu funkcionalitu, vhodnú aj pre tých najnáročnejších.“
„Tu môže byť Váš názor. Stačí sa zaregistrovať a začať používať náš jedinečný dotazníkový systém.“